10 Songs That Put A Smile On My Dial.

Here are a collection of songs that upon hearing them a feeling of elation comes over me. They are not necessarily my favorite songs, in fact if I were to list my 10 favorite songs very few would actually make it. These are simply songs that I feel are “exciting songs”, songs that make me happy to be alive and songs that make me feel alive.

Spotify playlist at bottom of page


Oasis –  Some Might Say /  (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? 1995

My second favorite song by my #1 band. It was Oasis’ first UK #1 single and the lead single off their massive 2nd album (What’s The Story) Morning Glory. “Some Might Say” takes me back to being young and remembering how exciting it was discovering oasis which quickly turned into a lifetime obsession. Classic oasis sound, effective but brilliant lead guitar by Noel without going over the top and overall just a bloody great track. An amazing version can be found on their Live DVD “…There & Then” from the classic Maine Road gigs in 1995.

The Libertines –  Time For Heroes /  Up The Bracket 2002

I really got into The Libertines during my stay in England 2006. At first I didn’t rate them, but as is often the case with me I soon changed my mind. I played their 2 albums non stop for months as I had by now realized that they were worthy of the hype I had read about them in the past. They were, and thanks to their recent reunion are a brilliant group. This song is full of emotion as is with most of The Libertines tracks and demonstrates perfectly why Peter Doherty is one hell of a lyricist and complete “rock star” to boot.  

Stereophonics –  Local Boy In The Photograph /  Word Gets Around 1997

Welsh band Stereophonics for a short time were a terrific group. Songs full of story telling lyrics backed up by infectious catchy music. This particular song like most on this list starts off with a catchy opening riff followed by a easy flowing chord sequence. It’s a shame Kelly Jones doesn’t write like this anymore.

British Sea Power –  Remember Me /  The Decline Of British Sea Power 2003

I first heard this song (and band) on a DVD compilation of guests on “Later, With Jools” and this is the version from that performance. I was instantly hooked by the great opening  buildup and riff that is as an exciting piece of music I’ve ever heard.

The Creases –  Fall Guy /  Gradient EP 2014

A relatively new and unknown band, The Creases are great and this song on their EP is my favorite from there. Again a nice little riff to kick things off. A song I always sing along to.  

Ash –  Shining Light /  Free All Angels 2001

I know Irish band Ash are somewhat Indie icons from what I’ve previously read, I only know a couple of songs from them but this one I love. I think it’s a love song, I also think it’s an amazing track from start to finish. Was part of the CD Amy and I made for a guests at our wedding containing our favorite love songs.

Babyshambles –  Nothing Comes To Nothing /  Sequel To The Prequel 2013

Another track from Peter Doherty, this one from his other band Babyshambles. It was like nothing Babyshambles had done before. Very radio friendly but because the chord sequence stays the same for the verse and chorus it allows the song to just flow into a tune that is up there with the best Babyshambles has created.

Coldplay –  Shiver /  Parachutes 2000

For a long time now I’ve not been a fan of Coldplay, their debut album Parachutes however I think is a great album. This song is a bit Jeff Buckley-esque (which isn’t a bad thing) The reason I think “Shiver” is exciting is because of the the build up from 4:00 to the emotion of Chris Martins vocals at 4:21 onward. Wow!


The Smiths –  This Charming Man /  The Smiths 1984

If you know of the Smiths and or Morrissey its impossible to not dance along and make those funny Morrissey sounds when this song comes on. Or is that just me?

Courtney Barnett –  Pedestrian At Best / Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Sometimes I Just Sit 2015

I think Courtney Barnett is wonderful. She is a breath of fresh air to the scene in my opinion. A grungy riff heavy song with typical Courtney Barnett lyrics. When I first heard this track I felt excited and strangely proud. I found myself laughing thinking “you’re going to take over the world!”  If you don’t know of her then change that! Listen to her music until you fall in love with her. It won’t take long. 2:15 to 2:50 gives me goosebumps.



Oasis –  Listen Up / Cigarettes & Alcohol (B-Side)  1994

Couldn’t leave this track out, a B-Side, so Noel didn’t think it was worthy to put on an album! Oasis at their best. Liam’s vocals are raw, full of emotion and so powerful which makes it hard to argue against him being the greatest frontman of a generation. At 2:50 Liam strain’s his voice so much he completely goes out of tune but it makes the hairs on my neck stand up every time. It’s such a great song that reminds me why I love them so much.




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